How do you configure Rasp audio ESP-Home to work with Assist voice assistant in Home assistant

To configure Raspaudio ESP-Home to work with the Assist voice assistant in Home Assistant, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Install Home Assistant: Make sure you have Home Assistant installed and running on your system. You can follow the official installation guide to set it up.

2. Set up ESP-Home: Install and set up ESP-Home on your Raspberry Pi or ESP-based device. ESP-Home is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 devices with simple yet powerful configuration files. Refer to the ESP-Home documentation for detailed instructions on installation and configuration.

3. Configure Raspaudio Device: Create a new configuration file for your Raspaudio device in ESP-Home. This file will define the functionality and behavior of your device. Here's an example configuration that you can modify according to your requirements:

  devicename: raspaudio

  name: $devicename
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "YourWiFiSSID"
  password: "YourWiFiPassword"

  password: "YourAPIPassword"

  password: "YourOTAPassword"

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO0
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: "Button"
      - switch.toggle: relay

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO12
    name: "Relay"

In this configuration, the `binary_sensor` and `switch` components are used to control the Raspaudio device with a button and relay. Make sure to modify the `wifi` section with your actual Wi-Fi network credentials.

4. Flash and Configure the Device: Compile the configuration file and flash it to your Raspaudio device using the ESP-Home command-line tool. You'll need to connect your device to your computer via USB and run the necessary commands to upload the firmware.

5. Integrate with Home Assistant: Once your Raspaudio device is flashed and running, you can integrate it with Home Assistant. In your Home Assistant configuration file (`configuration.yaml`), add the following lines:

  - platform: soundtouch

Replace `IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPAUDIO_DEVICE` with the actual IP address of your Raspaudio device. Save the configuration file and restart Home Assistant.

6. Set Up Assist Voice Assistant: In Home Assistant, navigate to the "Integrations" page and search for "Assist". Click on "Assist" and follow the instructions to set up the voice assistant.

Once the integration is set up, you can use the Assist voice assistant to control your Raspaudio device by issuing voice commands through Home Assistant.

Please note that the provided steps are a general guideline, and the actual configuration may vary depending on your specific setup and requirements. Refer to the documentation of ESP-Home, Raspaudio, and Home Assistant for detailed instructions and troubleshooting information.


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