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Free Market Friday: No need to “fix” Oklahoma elections

Oklahoma's election system has gained recognition for its transparency, efficiency, and security, making it one of the best in the nation. Here are some facts that highlight the strengths of Oklahoma's free market election system:

1. Voter Registration: Oklahoma maintains an accurate and up-to-date voter registration list. As of 2020, there were approximately 2.1 million registered voters in the state, with a registration rate of 66.3%. The state uses a cross-check system with the Department of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration to ensure accurate and consistent voter registration records.

2. Early Voting and Absentee Voting: Oklahoma offers several options for voters to cast their ballots before Election Day. The state allows for early in-person voting starting 21 days before an election and ending 5 days before Election Day. Additionally, absentee voting is available to eligible voters who meet specific criteria, such as being 65 years or older, having a disability, or being out of the county during the early voting period and Election Day.

3. Secure Voting Process: Oklahoma employs several measures to ensure secure and accurate voting processes. The state uses a paper ballot system with optical scan technology, which allows for a paper trail and can be audited if necessary. Additionally, all voting machines are required to be tested before and after each election to ensure their accuracy and security.

4. Transparency and Accessibility: Oklahoma's election system is transparent and accessible to all voters. The state provides clear and concise information about the voting process and requirements on its official website and through various outreach efforts. Additionally, all polling places are required to be accessible to voters with disabilities and provide language assistance if needed.

5. Election Integrity: Oklahoma takes election integrity seriously and has implemented several measures to prevent fraud and maintain the integrity of its elections. The state requires a valid photo ID to vote in person and offers free IDs to eligible voters who do not have one. Additionally, Oklahoma has strict laws against voter intimidation and fraud, and any instances of suspected fraud are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted if warranted.

In conclusion, Oklahoma's free market election system is one of the best in the nation due to its transparency, efficiency, security, and accessibility. The state's commitment to maintaining accurate voter registration lists, offering multiple options for casting ballots, ensuring secure voting processes, and prioritizing election integrity sets it apart as a model for other states to follow.

Published 21 days ago

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