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Test your Drupal website with Cypress

Cypress.NA is a testing framework for web applications that uses JavaScript to automate end-to-end tests. It allows developers to test their websites and web applications in real-time, without the need for a separate testing environment.

To use Cypress.NA with Drupal, you will first need to install it as a dependency in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:


npm install cypress-na


Once Cypress.NA is installed, you can create tests for your Drupal website using the `describe()` function. For example, to test a login form on your Drupal website, you could use the following code:


describe('Login Form', () => {

beforeEach(() => {



it('should allow users to log in', () => {




cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard');




This code will visit the login page, enter the username and password, click the submit button, and then check that the user is redirected to the dashboard page.

In addition to testing individual pages, Cypress.NA also allows you to test entire workflows on your Drupal website. For example, you could create a test that simulates a user logging in, navigating to a specific content type, and then creating a new piece of content. This can help ensure that your website is functioning as expected and providing a good user experience.

Overall, Cypress.NA is a powerful testing framework that can help you catch bugs and improve the performance of your Drupal website. By using it to automate end-to-end tests, you can save time and ensure that your website is always running smoothly.

Published 75 days ago

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