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The heat soars and rain disappears in Bengaluru’s dry, thirsty summer

Title: Unraveling Bengaluru's Scorching Summer: Experts Discuss Causes Behind Soaring Temperatures and Dry Conditions

Bengaluru, India's Silicon Valley, is currently experiencing an unusually hot and dry summer this year. In March 2023, the city recorded above-normal temperatures, with the mercury soaring up to 36°C (97°F), marking one of the earliest instances of such extreme weather conditions. As of mid-April, the city has witnessed minimal rainfall, further exacerbating the situation.

To better understand the causes behind Bengaluru's scorching summer and dry conditions, we spoke with a panel of experts from various fields, including meteorology, urban planning, and environmental science.

1. Meteorological Perspective

According to Dr. S.P. Sreejith, a meteorologist at the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Bengaluru's current weather pattern can be attributed to a few factors:

- El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO): ENSO is a climate phenomenon that can influence weather patterns worldwide. During an El Niño event, sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean become warmer than average, leading to altered atmospheric circulation patterns. This year, an El Niño event is expected to occur, which could contribute to Bengaluru's hotter-than-normal temperatures.

- Urban Heat Island Effect (UHI): UHI is a phenomenon where urban areas experience higher temperatures than their surrounding rural areas due to human activities and infrastructure. In Bengaluru, the city's rapid urbanization and expansion have intensified this effect, making summers even hotter than they would be naturally.

2. Urban Planning and Environmental Factors

Dr. Suresh Rao, a professor of urban planning at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, sheds light on how urban planning and environmental factors have contributed to the city's current predicament:

- Rapid Urbanization: Bengaluru's population has grown exponentially over the past few decades, leading to a surge in demand for infrastructure and housing. This has resulted in large-scale deforestation, loss of green spaces, and increased concrete surfaces, all of which contribute to higher temperatures.

- Lack of Green Spaces: As urbanization progresses, green spaces are often sacrificed for development projects. This lack of vegetation cover exacerbates the UHI effect and contributes to the city's dry conditions by reducing its capacity to absorb and retain water.

- Inadequate Water Management: Bengaluru's antiquated water infrastructure and insufficient rainwater harvesting systems have left the city vulnerable to water scarcity during the dry season. This, in turn, increases the demand for groundwater, leading to over-extraction and further depletion of this precious resource.

3. Possible Solutions

To mitigate the impacts of Bengaluru's scorching summer and dry conditions, experts suggest the following measures:

- Urban Planning: Implementing green urban designs that prioritize the creation and preservation of green spaces can help reduce urban temperatures and improve overall air quality. This includes integrating parks, gardens, and trees into urban planning schemes and encouraging the use of green roofs and walls.

- Water Management: Investing in modern water infrastructure and implementing rainwater harvesting systems can help the city better manage its water resources during the dry season. Additionally, promoting water conservation practices among residents can help reduce overall water demand.

- Raising Awareness: Educating the public about the importance of energy conservation, water conservation, and sustainable living practices can help reduce the demand for resources and mitigate the impacts of extreme weather conditions.

In conclusion, Bengaluru's scorching summer and dry conditions can be attributed to a combination of natural climate patterns and human-induced factors. By implementing sustainable urban planning practices, investing in modern infrastructure, and raising awareness about conservation efforts, the city can work towards mitigating the impacts of extreme weather conditions and creating a more resilient future for its residents.

Published 35 days ago

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