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Fmr LLC Has $32.19 Million Stock Holdings in Fidelity NASDAQ Composite Index ETF (NASDAQ:ONEQ)

The information provided indicates that Fmr LLC has a stock holding of $32.19 million in the Fidelity NASDAQ Composite Index ETF NASDAQONEQ. This means that Fmr LLC owns a certain number of shares in this particular exchange-traded fund (ETF), which tracks the performance of the NASDAQ Composite Index, an index that measures the stock performance of technology and internet-based companies listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market.

It's worth noting that ETFs are investment vehicles that hold a basket of stocks, bonds, or other securities, and are traded like individual stocks on an exchange. They offer investors a convenient way to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets with a single purchase. In this case, Fmr LLC has chosen to invest in the NASDAQ Composite Index ETF NASDAQONEQ, which may be because it tracks the performance of technology and internet-based companies, which are often considered high-growth sectors with significant potential for long-term returns.

It's also worth noting that Fmr LLC is a limited liability company (LLC) that was formed in Delaware in 2013. The exact nature of its business and operations is not publicly available, but it appears to be involved in various investment activities. It's possible that Fmr LLC has chosen to invest in the NASDAQ Composite Index ETF NASDAQONEQ as part of its overall investment strategy, which may involve diversifying its portfolio across different asset classes and sectors.

In summary, Fmr LLC has a stock holding of $32.19 million in the Fidelity NASDAQ Composite Index ETF NASDAQONEQ, which tracks the performance of technology and internet-based companies listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. This investment may be part of Fmr LLC's overall investment strategy, which involves diversifying its portfolio across different asset classes and sectors.

Published 72 days ago

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