Give me a very detailed Software Design with diagrams showing how assets like videos and images can be retrieved fast in a web application architecture. Do not use external applications like cdn, only use local network, if needed show me how to recreate local cdn.


Hi there! How can I help you today? If you have any questions or topics in mind, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to provide accurate and helpful information. Let me know if there's anything specific you need assistance with! ????

Here are some examples of things I can help answer:

- Math problems and concepts (algebra, geometry, calculus)

- Sciences such as physics or chemistry questions

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- General knowledge inquiries (history, geography, literature)

- And much more! Just let me know what you have in mind and I'll see if I can provide the information that you need. ??

If there is no particular question, feel free to share a joke or ask about my day! Have a great one! :D How do you speed up selecting and computing from a large data set in sql server

To improve the performance of querying and computations on a large dataset in SQL Server, you can consider several best practices:

1. Indexes: Properly designing indexes for your tables is crucial as it significantly speeds up data retrieval by allowing the database engine to quickly locate the required data. Be sure that you have appropriate non-clustered indexes on columns used in your query's WHERE, JOIN conditions and ORDER BY clauses. You can use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor or DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) to help determine if indexes are needed and how they should be designed.

2. Partitioning: Large tables can benefit from partitioning, dividing them into smaller more manageable pieces based on a logical or physical boundary such as time or geographic location. This helps in faster data access and improves query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned for a particular query.

3. Query optimization: Write efficient queries, making use of SQL Server features like JOINs instead of subqueries and using the EXISTS keyword over IN when checking for existence. You can also make use of query hints to optimize your queries or leverage SQL Server's built-in optimization features like Query Store and Automatic Plan Correction.

4. Memory management: Allocating enough memory to the server or specific query can help improve performance, as it allows SQL Server to cache more data in its memory and reduce disk I/O which is a bottleneck for large datasets. You can use tools like Memory Profiler or SQL Server Management Studio to monitor the server's memory usage and identify any potential issues.

5. Database design: A well-designed database, with appropriate normalization levels and denormalized data where necessary can help reduce the number of joins required in queries. This leads to faster query execution as fewer tables need to be accessed during a query, which ultimately reduces I/O and processing time.

6. Use of appropriate data types: Choosing the correct data type for each column is essential as it allows SQL Server to store, read and process your data more efficiently while reducing storage requirements. Avoid using large or unnecessarily complex data types like VARCHAR(MAX) for columns that don't require it, and make use of the built-in SQL Server date/time or numeric data types.

7. Hardware considerations: Upgrading your server's hardware, like adding more RAM, using faster solid-state drives (SSD), or utilizing parallel processing with multiple CPUs can help significantly improve the performance of querying and computations on large datasets. Why can't I copy content from PDF in Microsoft Edge? Show me how resolve the issue.

It seems that Microsoft Edge does not support direct copying of text or images from PDF files within its built-inPDF viewer. However, you can use an alternative method to work around this issue:

1. Save the PDF file on your computer or save it in OneDrive (if using a Microsoft account). Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

2. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader and open your PDF file from its saved location or OneDrive (if you've uploaded it).

3. Use the editing tools in Adobe Acrobat Reader to copy text, images or information as needed. You can use keyboard shortcuts such as `Ctrl + C` (or `Cmd + C` on Mac) to copy text and the right-click context menu for images.

4. Go back to Microsoft Edge, paste your copied content using keyboard shortcuts `Ctrl + V` (or `Cmd + V` on Mac) as needed in the text box where you want to insert it.

5. Save or submit your work with ease, now that you've successfully copied content from a PDF file using Adobe Acrobat Reader and pasted it into Microsoft Edge.

If saving the PDF or accessing it through OneDrive is not an option, consider alternative methods such as printing to a text file (File > Print > Save As PDF) from within Adobe Acrobat Reader or using more specialized tools like CamelCamelCamel for extracting text.

Keep in mind that some PDF files may be protected by digital rights management (DRM) or other security measures, which can prevent copying even with external tools. Why I can't copy content from pdf

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to easily copy text from a PDF file:

1. **Protection:** The PDF creator or owner may have protected the document against text extraction to prevent unauthorized use of its content. In such cases, you might not be able to copy any text from the PDF file even if it appears selectable when viewed in a reader like Adobe Acrobat.

2. **Format:** The font type or size used in the PDF document might not be supported by your text editor, making it difficult to paste the copied content into an editable form.

3. **Selection:** Some parts of a PDF document might not be selectable for text extraction, especially if they include images or complex graphic elements that are integrated with the text.

4. **Reader settings:** Depending on your PDF reader's default settings, you might not be able to select and copy content from certain parts of the document if "Select text with touchpad" or similar options are disabled.

5. **Compatibility:** There might be a compatibility issue between your PDF reader and the operating system you're using, which could prevent text extraction from working properly.

6. **OCR:** If the original document was scanned as an image and then converted to a PDF, you might need Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software that can recognize text within the images to extract them. In this case, most standard pdf readers won't cut it and you may need a specialized OCR tool like Adobe Acrobat Pro or Tesseract. How do I allow multiple uploads of images in core

To allow multiple image uploads in ASP.NET Core, you can use the `IFormFile` collection provided by the framework to receive multiple files from an HTML input of type "file" with the `multiple` attribute. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Create an Razor Pages or MVC controller action for handling the file upload and create a model with `IList` property:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

using System.IO; // for FileStream, etc. and System.Linq (for handling multiple files)

public class IndexModel : PageModel


public IList UploadedFiles { get; set; } = new List(); // initialize the property



2. Create a view for accepting multiple file uploads, e.g., an Razor Page or MVC action:


` In this example, the `name` attribute is set to "files[]" which indicates that multiple files can be selected. The accept attribute limits it only to image types (JPEG, PNG).

3. Add the `[BindProperty]` data annotation and handle multiple uploaded files in your controller action:


public async Task OnPostAsync(IndexModel model) // handle the form submission, e.g., in a Post method of an Razor Page or MVC Controller


if (model.UploadedFiles != null && model.UploadedFiles.Any()) // check if files have been selected and are not empty


foreach (var file in model.UploadedFiles) // loop through all the uploaded images


using var stream = new MemoryStream(); // create a memorystream to store files' data in bytes.

await file.CopyToAsync(stream); // copy contents of the uploaded file to MemoryStream, this will read whole stream into memory but it is simple and effective

await ProcessImageAsync(stream); // call a separate method or class for image processing before saving the images, e.g., resizing or compressing

await SaveImageToDatabaseOrDiskAsync(stream); // save your files either in a database (blob storage) or locally.



return Page(); // display the view after processing the uploaded files, e.g., by redirecting to another page or render the current one


` In this example, we check if there are any uploaded files and loop through each file in that case. We process images using a separate method or class before saving them to the database or disk, which can include resizing, compression, etc.

4. Begin handling uploaded files in your action: You now have multiple images processed and accessible within the `OnPostAsync` method or controller action, depending on whether you're using Razor Pages or MVC. From here, handle them as needed and save the images to a database (blob storage) if necessary:


private async Task SaveImageToDatabaseOrDiskAsync(MemoryStream imageData) // Assuming you have a method for saving images to database or disk. Adjust this based on your requirements!


await using var fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\Temp\Uploads\{filename}.jpg", FileMode.CreateNew); // Save localy


}// Or, save images to a database using Entity Framework or other methods instead of disk storage in this example.


5. You can also check whether the user has uploaded any files at all:


if (model.UploadedFiles != null && model.UploadedFiles.Any()) // check whether there is any upload at all. If yes, process files else display some error message!


foreach (var file in model.UploadedFiles) // loop through the uploaded images and perform your logic here.

` How do I allow content copying on a pdf?

Allowing content copying from a PDF is not something that can be controlled directly by the person creating or distributing the PDF. This is due to the fact that Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is one of the most commonly used software for viewing and manipulating PDFs, has a default setting that disables text selection and copying to prevent unauthorized distribution or copyright infringement.

However, there are some methods the PDF creator can use to make it easier for others to extract text from their document:

1. Use alternative software: Some third-party PDF viewers, such as Foxit Reader and Nitro PDF, offer more advanced text selection and copying options by default.

2. Apply OCR (Optical Character Recognition): If the content in your PDF is scanned images instead of text, you can use an Optical Character Recognition tool to convert those images into editable and selectable text.

3. Use Permissions: Adobe Acrobat offers different permission levels for PDFs that can be set by the creator when saving their document as a PDF. One of these permissions is "Allow copying of text and images." This will enable users to select, copy, and paste content from the PDF when they open it.

4. Extract Text as plain-text or RTF: Instead of distributing a PDF file, you can export its text content into an editable format such as MS Word (RTF), plain text or other formats that enable easy copy and paste.

5. Watermark the PDF: If you want to allow users to extract information from your document while also preventing unauthorized distribution, consider adding a watermark or other security measures like password protection.

Keep in mind that these methods do not completely remove the restrictions on copying content from PDFs, but they can make it easier for users to extract information if you have permission or if that's what your organization policy allows. What is semantic kenal

I believe you may have misspelled "semantic knowledge" or "sematic meaning."

Semantic knowledge refers to the meanings and concepts that we understand about words, phrases, ideas, and objects. It is a component of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and natural language processing (NLP), where computers are programmed to understand the meaning behind human language, rather than just recognizing individual words or strings of text. Semantic knowledge is essential for machines to be able to process and generate meaningful responses in context, allowing them to understand relationships between different concepts and ideas, as well as make inferences based on given information. Give me a very detailed Software Design with diagrams showing how assets like videos and images can be retrieved fast in a web application architecture. Do not use external applications like cdn, only use local network, if needed show me how to recreate local cdn.

Designing a high-performance web application architecture for serving videos and images quickly without using external CDN services involves implementing an efficient content delivery solution within the local network. Here's a detailed software design description, along with diagrams and explanations of key components:

1. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Simulation within Local Infrastructure:

To simulate a CDN-like behavior, we will employ multiple web servers in different geographic locations and use load balancer or reverse proxy to distribute incoming requests evenly among them. This approach is called a Private CDN or Local CDN, which helps reduce latency and improve the overall performance for serving assets.


- Load Balancer/Reverse Proxy Server (Nginx or HAProxy)

* Distributes incoming requests among multiple servers based on load balancing algorithms and health checks.

- Web Servers (Apache, Nginx) or Media Players (FFMpeg, VLC)

* Stored with videos and images in local cache memory for faster access.

- Caching Mechanism: Memcached or Redis, to store frequently accessed assets (metadata) in the server's RAM, reducing database queries and improving access times.

- File System: Optimized for storing large media files like videos or images (e.g., RAID, NAS).

![Local CDN Diagram](

2. Asset Optimization and Compression:

- Use modern image formats like WebP, AVIF or progressive JPEGs for images to reduce their sizes without compromising on quality.

- For videos: use adaptive bitrate streaming technologies like HLS, DASH or Mpeg-Dash to deliver the video content based on users' bandwidth and device capabilities.

- Content Compression: Gzip compression for static assets like images, CSS, JavaScript files, etc. to reduce their sizes before serving them to clients.

![Asset Optimization Diagram](

3. Dynamic Content Delivery: Use a caching system like Varnish or Nginx to cache and serve dynamic content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) as well. This will reduce the burden on application servers by serving static files directly from the caching layer to clients.

- Caching key: Implementing proper cache keys and headers will ensure that dynamic content is cached based on relevant parameters such as URL query strings, cookies or time to live (TTL).

![Dynamic Content Delivery Diagram](

4. CDN-like Behavior: Implementing cache invalidation and preloading to improve load times, and distribute static assets over multiple edge servers within the network for faster delivery.

- Cache Invalidation: Setting proper cache control headers or using a purging API can be helpful in updating cached content when it changes, ensuring that the latest version of assets are being served to clients.

- Preloading: Serve static assets before they're requested using techniques like HTML prefetch, link rel preload or JavaScript-based solutions to improve load times.

![Cache Invalidation and Preloading Diagram](

5. Content Delivery Optimization: Utilize techniques like range requests (swapping the byte-range of a large file during an ongoing download), shard caching, and pipelining to optimize content delivery.

- Range Requests: Allow clients to request only a portion of large files like videos or images rather than downloading the entire file each time, reducing transfer times and improving user experience.

- Shard Caching: Partition static assets into smaller files or chunks to improve cache efficiency when serving multiple requests for the same asset, reducing load times and improving scalability.

- Pipelining: Allows clients or web servers to request multiple assets at once using a single connection instead of opening separate connections for each asset, reducing latency and improving overall transfer speeds.

![Content Delivery Optimization Diagram](

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